1/ Following the very interesting post of @TheDeFinvestor


I used to breakdown my PF every month to confirm my PF Objective is still on track.

Let's show what my PF looks like, and what will be my next moves:

2/ Portfolio objective

Are you wondering how to build a PF?

I was inspired by @thedefiedge and his amazing thread:

CryptoPortfolio Management

So that was my objective at the beggining of 2022. How does it look like now after hitting this Bear Market?


3/ Portfolio BreakdownConclusion: More stable, less low/medium risk, more high risk 🧐=> Actions: Need to rebalance high risk to medium or low risk project


Stable: +27% -> Mainly due to market condition + additional injected capitalTips: 50% swapped in $EUR stableFarmed on @VelodromeFi : 15% APRLend/Borrow on @GranaryFinance for Airdrop

Low Risk: -15% -> DCA on $ETH / $SNX / $AAVEDCA on $ETH -> Ultrasound Money, L2 are paying fees in $ETH, and when volume will come back, $ETH fees will skyrocket on MainnetFarming solution: Anything without ILLending on @TarotFinance or @sentimentxyzLP on @VelodromeFi