1/ Tonight question was about #TVL on #DEFI, and i just asked myself is there any TVL leakage from DEFI since the turmoil we are all facing the past 6 months? Let's dig into some data here as parf of my 2nd 🧵and see where the #smartmoney has been going ?👇

2/ TVL on @Defilama is now sitting below 100b, decreasing by almost 28% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ath.

3/ On the other hand, #crypto total market cap is sitting at 898b, and as the DEFI TVL, "just" decreased also by 26% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ATH.

4/ So my first but too quick conclusion would be: There was no #TVL leak in #DEFI since November 2021, the TVL just following price action of crypto market. However, this conclusion is WRONG as it doesn’t take #Stablecoin into account.

5/ Now according to @TheBlock__ stablecoin MC is at 188b, up by 26% since $BTC #ATH


6/ if we take the assumption #stablecoins are intrinsically not volatile (cough.. Except $UST), then #stablecoin represented 5% of all cryptos in November 2021, and now represents 21% in June 2022. That's a massive x4 increase in 6 months !!-> Keep on rolling baby!


7/ However there is one metric I could not find: #stablecoin TVL in DEFI. So let’s make a global assumption based on @Uniswap and @Curve protocols. On @Uniswap, 50% TVL are in stable, whereas on @CurveFinance it's closer to 25%. Assumption taken: Stable TVL in Defi 37.5%.

8/ So with this assumption, and following the increase trend of stablecoin #marketcap from November '21 to June '22, as of today:Stablecoin TVL = 37.5bVolatile assets TVL = 62,5bAnd in Novembre 2021:Stablecoin TVL = 28bVolatile assets TVL = 272b

9/ Follow me, we are getting there. As volatile assets price decrease by 3, the difference between 272b/3 and 62,5b is just the TVL leak from DEFI which equals to 28,5b. As a conclusion, I estimate that 30% of the TVL just left DEFI, which I find extremely important.